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 #   Notes   Linked to 
3051 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

Walter was Lord of Longueville and a companion of William the Conqueror at
the Battle of Hastings, 1066. For a discussion of him and his ancestry, see
"Falaise Roll" (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1994), pp. 21-22.
One of his sons was chancellor to King William Rufus and was made bishop of
Winchester by King Henry I. 
Giffard, Walter (I1269)
3052 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

Walter was Sheriff of Wiltshire and was "of Chitterne." He founded the
Bradenstock Priory. 
de Salisbury, Walter ("the Sheriff") (I1088)
3053 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

Waltheof II, Earl of Northumberland, Huntingdon and Northampton and Lord
of Hallamshire, Wolthamstow and Toteenhard; married Lady Judith Lens who
was the King's cousin and who founded the Nunnery of Elstow. {Cf. ID2151 -
apparently there is a discrepancy in fathers; information for ID2614 from
"Royal Ancestors of Magna Charta Barons," by Carr P. Collins, Jr., Dallas,
1959, p. 143 - not always reliable.} Waltheof II was beheaded on St. Giles'
Hill near Winchester. 
Waltheof, Earl of Northumberland II (I1115)
3054 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

Warren and his wife resided in the large house opposite the post office on
Main Street in Castine. His ancestor, William Hooper, was a Signer of the
Declaration of Independence. For Hooper genealogy, see "History of Castine,"
by George A. Wheeler, p. 417. 
Hooper, Warren Perkins (I2239)
3055 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

Warren m. Linnie McDonald - they had no children. 
Dunbar, Warren (I2518)
3056 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

When she married Robert, Adelaide ("Aelis") was widow of Conrad I, Count of
Aargau and Auxerre, who died 22 March 863. 
Tours, Adelaide of (I1637)
3057 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

Widow of Charles II the Bald. 
Bourges, Richilde of (I1798)
3058 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

William appears to be son of _____ Malet, a descendant of Robert (son of
Maleth, living 990), and a daughter of Leofric (ID3229) and Godiva
(ID3230)[see "Falaise Roll..." table cited for ID3229]. Carr P. Collins,
Jr., "Royal Ancestors of Magna Charta Barons" (Dallas: 1959), pp. 176 &
258, suggests that William, "Lord Malet," was Governor of York Castle and a
General and Companion of William the Conqueror, that he may be a brother of
King Harold's wife, that he is called a grandson of Godiva of Mercia, and
that his wife is Hesilla (Elsie) Crispin - and offers a chart showing
Hesilla as daughter of Gilbert Crispin and William as son of Alfgar III
(Earl of Mercia) and wife Princess Elfgifu (dau. of King Ethelred II of
England)(Alfgar III is son of Earl Leofric III and Lady Godiva). Cf. Arthur
Malet, "Notices of an English Branch of the Malet Family." "Ancestral
Roots..." (Balt., 1992) 234A-25 states William is "of Granville St.
Honorine, Normandy, at Battle of Hastings, 1066..." 
Malet, William I (I1185)
3059 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

William held many lands in western Normandy and Maine, including Alencon
and its vicinity. 
Talvas, Lord of Belleme William (I1282)
3060 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

William I was Lord of Garland, S. Garland en Brie & de Livry. 
Garland, William I de (I1263)
3061 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

William is age 10 in the 1850 census at Calais, ME and age 28 in the 1870
Black, William A. (I2619)
3062 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

William is said to have been age 33 when he married the 19 year old Effie
Dodge. He may be given the wrong mother here - note discrepancy in her date
of death and his date of birth. 
Conner, William Wallace (I2009)
3063 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

William m. 02-04-1865 Ellen E. Gray. William is listed as fourth child. 
Cain, William (I2347)
3064 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

William the Marshal, Earl of Pembroke (via his young wife), Lord of Striguil and Regent of England (in the minority of Henry III) was appropriately eulogized at his funeral by Archbishop Langton of Canterbury who said, "Here lies all that remains of
the best knight of all the world who has lived in our time." William was renown across Europe for his courage, honesty and loyalty to his country, and served with much distinction as a chief officer of several kings. {His biography is "L'Historie
de Guillaume le Marechal," probably written by his squire, John Earley. His life and importance are summarized in "The Magnificent Century," Thomas B. Costain (Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Co., 1951), pp. 41ff.} He fought in more than 500 duels in the
tilting ring and lost none nor was seriously injured in any of the many battles in which he fought. He was in
the Holy Land on crusade c. 1185-87, was one of the regents during Richard's absence (1190), etc. His five sons succeeded him one by one as earl. For more information, try this site on the World Wide Web:
Also see "L'historie de Guillaume de Marchale, Comte de Striguil et de la Pembroke: The History of William the Marshal, Earl of Striguil and Pembroke" (written about 1225 and translated and edited by Paul Meyer, 3 vols., Societe de l'Histoire de
France, Paris, 1891-1901. 
Marshal, Sir William The (I1026)
3065 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

William was a blacksmith and resided at Penobscot, Maine. The first
schoolmaster in the village, James Whitelaw, for many years "taught in the
home of William Conner, as early as 1785 and as late as 1791." {-"Penobscot
Bicentennial" [booklet], p.31} John and Elizabeth had a large family; the
children listed here are those whose names were remembered by Fred S.
Conner in 1938 and Ardelle M. Conner in 1932 (in a letter to her niece
Luena) - they are not listed in birth order. 
Conner, William (I2014)
3066 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

William was Chamberlain to Alexander III, King of Scotland. His first wife
is Elizabeth Comyn, who died in 1267. 
William Earl of Mar (I1005)
3067 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

William was Duke of Toulouse. {Ref. Allstrom's "Dictionary of Royal
Lineage," 1904, Vol. II, p. 418.} 
William Duke of Toulouse (I1838)
3068 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

William was first Count d'Alencon; he m. Maud or Mathilde de Chateaudun. 
Belleme, William de Signeur (I1383)
3069 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

William was son of Samuel Dunbar (bookkeeper for a ship's chandler and
later a merchant) and Clara P. Wardwell. Samuel Dunbar (b. 2 Sept 1826, d.
14 April 1908) is son of Reuben Dunbar (d. 15 Aug 1881, age 83 yr. 6 mo.) and
wife Elizabeth F. Parker (d. 20 Dec 1878, age 75 yr. 10 mo. 14 days, dau. of
Simeon and Mary nee Perkins). Reuben Dunbar is son of Capt. David Dunbar,
d. 7 Oct 1843 age 60 y. 8 mo. 26 d., and wife Nancy W., d. 21 May 1866, age
79 yr. 6 mo. 
Dunbar, William Fernald (I1896)
3070 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

William's family history is given in "A Family of the Bagaduce: The Ancestry and Genealogy of William Conner, Jr....," by Albert E. Myers (Harrisburg, PA, 1976). His middle name is Henry per plaque under his portrait in the Wilson Museum, Castine,
Maine; this plaque notes that Capt. Conner sailed clipper ships to the West Indies and other ports, and later sailed to the Grand Banks. He is not to be confused with person of the same name in coastal Waldo County, Maine. The ship William H. Conner,
built in Searsport, was named for this other William H. Conner, who d. 13 Sept 1875 at age 57, resident of Belfast, ME, merchant and shipbuilder (m. Caroline R. Porter 22 Sept 1839, she d. 13 Sept 1875) - the ship was the largest and last full-rigged
ship built at Searsport [launched in June, 1877, 210' long, 40' beam, 24' depth, 1496 tons]. A fine description of fishing on the Grand Banks under sail is given in Chapter 26 of "Coastal Maine: A Maritime History," Roger F. Duncan (New York:
W.W.Norton, 1992). Also see "Maine Sea Fisheries: The Rise and Fall of a Native Industry, 1830-1890," by Wayne M. O'Leary (Boston: Northeastern University Press). By 1860 Castine was the wealthiest town in Maine, due to its fishing fleet. 
Conner, William Henry Jr (I2639)
3071 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

William, grandson of King Henry II, was Lord of Glamorgan and Cardiff Castle
and 2nd Earl of Gloucester (succeeding his father). 
Robert, Earl of Gloucester William Fitz (I1047)
3072 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

Witichin is traditionally given as Robert's father, but more recent
scholarship disputes this. {See New England Historic and Genealolgical
Register, October, 1963, pp. 268-71.} Robert, Count of Anjou and Blois, was
one of the great leaders in the Carolingian period and became Rector (Lay
Abbot) of St. Martin de Marmoutier, near Tours, in 852. He was killed in
action against the Norsemen. He was created Count of Anjou and of Blois,
and acquired the countships of Auxerre and Nevers. He is remembered for his
heroic defense of the Frankish realm lying between the Seine and Loire
rivers against the Norse and Bretons. His title of "Duke" was military,
not hereditary. Modern scholarship states that he is Rutpert IV, Count in
the Wormsgau as early as 836, whose father is Rutpert III, Count of record
from 812, dead by 834. "Ancestral Roots..." (Balt., 1992), line 48, shows
his mother to be Adelaide or Aelis of Tours and Alsace (b. ca. 819, d. ca.
866), widow of Conrad I, Count of Aargau and Auxerre (d. 863) and dau. of
Hugh, Count of Tours. 
Robert, Duke Duke (I1636)
3073 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

Witteking was the last King of the Saxons (769-85) and the first Duke of
Saxony (785-807){per Carr P. Collins, "Royal Ancestors of Magna Charta
Barons," Dallas, TX, 1959, p. 222 - his ancestry is also from this source}.
Note: He is the same person as ID7175 in this database, shown here as his
Witteking, Duke Duke (I1842)
3074 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

Yaroslav "the Wise" brought Kievan Rus to a pinnacle internally and in its
foreign relations; he build a cathedral (Santa Sophia) in Kiev, codified
laws, expanded westward into Poland and defeated the Petchenegs. John L.
LaMonte, "The World of the Middle Ages" (New York: Appleton..., 1949), p.
149, states "...Russia had in the eleventh century a culture and civilization
far superior to that of England, Frank or Western Europe generally...Kiev was
the greatest capital of Christendom after Constantinople." 
Yaroslav, Grand Prince of Kiev I (I1237)
3075 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

[AEM appears to have her confused with her daughter-in-law, wife of
Hildouin IV.] 
Roucy, Alix de (I1275)
3076 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

[Another correspondent reports Elmer d. 14 March 1971, crippled since age 16
from polio. Sylvia Conner Wardwell lists his dates as 1910-1973 in 9/96
Young, Elmer (I2379)
3077 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

[Kraentzler, op. cit., p. 60, gives her name as Hadeburge de Beaudemont,
dau. of Raoul IV de Beaudemont, Viscount de Mans, and Ermensinde de
Montreveau (first marriage for both).] 
Hildeburg (I1284)
3078 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

[Line from "The Plantagenet Ancestry," W.H.Turton (Balt.: Gen. Pub. Co., 1968), p. 88, 100:] Gilbert "accompanied his uncle [William the Conqueror] into England, and participating in the triumph of Hastings, obtained a grant of the lands of a Danish
proprietor, named Tour, with numerous other lordships. This Gilbert happened to be in York, anno 1069, and had a narrow escape, when the Danes, in great force on behalf of Edgar Etheling, entered the mouth of the Humber, and marching upon that city,
committed lamentable destruction by fire and sword, there being more than 3,000 Normans slain. Like most of the great lords of his time, Gilbert de Gant disgorged a part of the spoil which he had siezed to the churches, and amongst other acts of piety
restored Bardney Abbey, co. Lincoln, which had been utterly destroyed many years before by the pagan Danes, Inquar and Hubba." - Burke's "Dormant and Extinct Peerages," 1883, p. 227. Gilbert is "son of Baldwin, Earl of Flanders, by Maud, sister of
William the Conqueror".
[An alternate ancestry is given elsewhere in this database. Also see "Falaise Roll" (Baltimore: Gen. Pub. Co., 1994), p. 30.] 
Gant, Baron of Folkingham Gilbert de (I1363)
3079 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

[Malcolm phps. m. a daughter of Sigurd, Jarl or Earl of Orkney, who died
23 April 1014 in the Battle of Clortarf, Ireland, and wife Donada (Alice) of
Scotland. S's ancestry is known as far back as Sveide the Viking, a Norse
King who died in 760.] Malcolm II reigned 25 March 1005-1034 & was murdered.
Malcolm frequently invaded northern England and at the battle of Carham in
1015 finally secured Lothian for Scotland. OR Malcolm "is said to have m. an
Irishwoman from Ossory" [more likely]. 
MacKenneth, King of Scots Malcolm II (I1210)
3080 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

[Parents are presumed - cf. W.H.Turton, "The Plantagenet Ancestry" (Balt.: Gen.Pub.Co., 1968), p. 112. "Ancestral Roots..." (Balt., 1992) 250-17 reports she is Eldegarde, (dau. or niece of Ermenfroi, Count of Amiens ?, prob. a Carolingian princess),
who m. (2) Waleran, a count...." However, it is highly unlikely that this Hildegarde of Flanders could have been the daughter of Arnulf I "The Elder", Count of Flanders -- if Raoul died in 936 and Arnulf married Alix De Vermandois in February 934.
Supposedly Hildegarde is a daughter from this marriage, but it appears unlikely even if the years are not exactly correct that a daughter of this marriage married Raoul De Gouy.] 
Flanders, Hildegarde of (I1658)
3081 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

[There appears to be a missing generation, probably Pepin I, Ct. of Senlis
and Valois, d. ca. 893, between Pepin II and Pepin, Ct. of Vermandois. Cf.
W.H.Turton, "The Plantagenet Ancestry" (Balt.:Gen.Pub.Co.,1968),p.112.] 
Pepin, Count of Senlis II (I1660)
3082 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

[Two Gardiner families appear in the Visitation of Surrey, 1623] John was servant to Kenelm Winslow early at Plymouth; John moved to Hingham ca. 1650, and r. 1656 in south part of town. Larry Gardner on Prodigy 12/91 reports that "Early Settlers of
Maryland" demonstrates that Gardners also used the name Garnett. A Richard Gardner emigrated to Maryland in 1637 with wife Elizabeth and children - some of his sons took the name Garnett. Carolyn Hartman ( offered 1 Jan 2003:
"According to our family history, John Gardner came to Duxbury, Mass when he was 16 years old. He came from London with Governor Winthrop's brother in 1627. When Mr. Winthrop went back to London, John did not wish to go with him and so was put out as
an apprentice and had to serve seven years. He came to Boston when he married, 6/10/1651 to a woman whose name was Mary. They settled in Hingham and had 10 children. The children were: John;7/17/1652:Samuel 3/23/1655: Stephen 8/14/1662: Christian
6/3/1668: Frances 3/31/1653: Deborah 7/5/1657: Thomas 6/5/1664: Mary 11/19/1654: Jane 2/4/1659: Benjamin 4/7/1666. He died 11/24/1668. Mary then married a second time to Nathaniel Chubbuck. His son Stephen was born in Hingham 8/14/1662. He married Dec.
20, 1687 to Sarah Warren, daughter of John and Deborah (Wilson)Warren of Boston. They had 9 children. He died 11/2/1715. She lived to be 101 years old." 
Gardner, John (I378)
3083 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

{"Ancestral Roots..." (Balt., 1992) 176-3: The marriage of Nesta and
Trahaern "is very doubtful. It is probable that Llywarch was son of
another woman."} 
Llywarch (I1060)
3084 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

{"The Plantagenet Ancestry,"W.H.Turton (Balt.:Gen.Pub.Co.,1968),p.100 gives
Raoul's parents as Asperling de Vaudreuil and wife Sporta de Senlis;
Sporta also m. William Longsword, Duke of Normandy, cf. p.6. - see ID1804.} 
Raoul Count of Bayeux & Count Of Ivry (I1391)
3085 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

{Alternately, Albert I may be son of Herbert I and therefore a brother to
Herbert II. W.H.Turton, "The Plantagenet Ancestry"
(Balt.:Gen.Pub.Co.,1968),p.112, shows Herbert II and wife Hildebrand as
parents of Albert I, and Herbert III as son of Albert I and Gerberga of
Albert, Count de Vermandois I (I1452)
3086 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

{An Arthur B. Connor [sic] of Castine was a Lt. in the United States Navy,
commanding the U.S.S. Iris during the Spanish-American War. - Wheeler, George
A., "History of Castine..." [1922 edition], p. 395. Wheeler (p. 397) also
states that one of this name from Castine was a Captain serving as "Marine
Director of the Army at Newport News, which was one of two Ports of
Embarkation for two million soldiers. He was twice offered a commission as
Major in the army, but refused...." during the first World War.} 
Conner, Arthur Burdette (I2249)
3087 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

{Ancestors are from W.H.Turton, "The Plantagenet Ancestry"
(Balt.:Gen.Pub.Co., 1968), p. 128.} 
Meuric Prince of S. Wales (I1691)
3088 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

{Ancestors from "The Plantagenet Ancestry," W.H.Turton
(Balt.:Gen.Pub.Co.,1968), p.230.} 
Amauri, Baronde Montfort II (I1258)
3089 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

{Ancestry from W.H.Turton, "The Plantagenet
Ancestry"(Balt.:Gen.Pub.Co.,1968),p.27, and perhaps legendary.} 
Upsala, Edmund I of (I1696)
3090 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

{Carr P. Collins, "Royal Ancestors of Magna Carta Barons" (Dallas: 1959),
p. 228, gives her husband as Sigurd II, Earl of Orkney, who d. 1014.
Finlay Mac Rory is given as her husband by Patrick W. Montague-Smith, "The
Royal Line of Succession," p. 21.} Donada ("Alice") was youngest of two
daughters and is also known as Dovada. 
Donada (I1424)
3091 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

{Carr P. Collins, "Royal Ancestors...," p. 19, gives William's wife as Maud
St. Lis (or Senlis).} 
Hilary, Maud St. (I1046)
3092 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

{Carr P. Collins, Jr., "Royal Ancestors of Magna Charta Barons" (Dallas,
1959), p. 225, shows John of Bute as son of Alexander II, Lord High Steward
(son of Walter II and brother of Margaret who m. Nigel, Earl of Carrick).} 
Bute, John of (I2678)
3093 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

{Carr P. Collins, Jr., "Royal Ancestors of Magna Charta Barons," Dallas,
1959, p. 89, states that her name is Lady Edgina Meapham, his third wife,
and that she died on 24 August 968 = mother of Edmund I, Thyru and Eadgifu.} 
Kent, Eadgifu of (I1497)
3094 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

{Castine death records state he was age 53 when he died in 1896 and that he
was a sailor.} 
Conner, Joseph L. (I2618)
3095 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

{Data from W.H.Turton, "The Plantagenet Ancestry" (Balt.:
Gen.Pub.Co.,1968),p.42.} Ivrea is episcopal see of Piedmont and is 27 miles
NNE of Turin. It was a duchy and then a marquisate in the middle ages.
Cf. "Voorouders in de Middeleeuen," Leo Lindemans, pp. 74, 76. 
Anscarius, Marquis ofIvrea (I1683)
3096 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

{Donna Hoffman of Bucksport, ME states Elizabeth "Betsy" was b. 15 Sept 1767
in Old York, ME and d. ca. 1790 probably at Scituate, MA.} Bethiah, wife of
Josiah Webster, d. 7 Feb 1873 at age 93, is buried in the Dunbar-Conner
Cemetery, Penobscot, and may be a daughter of Elizabeth and David Dunbar. 
Elms, Elizabeth (I1963)
3097 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

{Either Isabel - this person or her husband's grandmother - are supposed to
be daughter of King William the Lion of Scotland - per Carr P. Collins,
"Royal Ancestors...", p. 226. But see comment for the other Isabel, ID6004
- this is the line accepted by AEM. "The Bruce Journal," I:1, p. 10 agrees
with the line shown here, and states that Isabel was co-heir with her
brother, John the Scot, Earl of Chester.} 
Huntingdon, Isabel of (I1010)
3098 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

{Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1956 Ed., 20:33 states:} Ludolph (Liudolf) was
appointed about 850 by King Louis "the German" as margrave to defend the
`Limes Saxoniae' (a narrow strip of land on the eastern frontier) against
the Slavs. Ludolph vigorously fought the Slavs and extended the frontier
and his own influence. {-This source states he died in 866.} He was
succeeded by his son Bruno who was killed fighting the Normans in 880; the
second son, Otto the Illustrious, then succeeded and was recognized Duke of
Saxony by King Conrad I. 
Ludolph Duke of Saxony (I1719)
3099 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

{Identified in "Falaise Roll," M.J.Crispin, 1938, p. 101.} 
Montgomery, Hugh de (I1379)
3100 [dunbar_tree.FTW]

{Identified in "Falaise Roll...," table 13 - see reference under ID3229 -
table V shows his wife as Gonnor, a granddaughter of Richard I, Duke of
Normandy, via an unknown daughter who is perhaps wife of Baldric the
Teuton.} Gilbert was from Colleville near Bayeux; he held lands in Suffolk
in 1086 (Domesday) and the English barons of Colville descend from him. Also
see a discussion of the surname, etc. in Appendices 16-18 of the 1994 edition
of "Falaise Roll" (Baltimore: Gen. Pub. Co.), p. 136ff. 
Crispin, Gilbert I (I1256)

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