Gouy, Raoul ("Ralph") de
- 936( = Descendancy chart to this point, = Expand, = Collapse)
- 1 Gouy, Raoul ("Ralph") de [1] d. 936
- Flanders, Hildegarde of
- 2 Vexintamiens, Gauthier I of [1.1] d. 987
- Breux, Eve of
- 3 Gauthier, Count of Vexintamiens II [1.1.1] d. 1027
- Senlis, Adela of
- 4 Raoul, Count de Vexin II [] d. 1030 [ =>]
- 4 Vexin, Adela de [] [ =>]
- Senlis, Adela of
- 3 Gauthier, Count of Vexintamiens II [1.1.1] d. 1027
- Breux, Eve of
- 2 Vexintamiens, Gauthier I of [1.1] d. 987
- Flanders, Hildegarde of