"Occupation","total" "(Retired) Blacksmith","1" "1st Earl of Dunbar","1" "1st Viscount","1" "2nd Count","1" "2nd Count of Clermont","1" "2nd Earl of Leicester","1" "3rd Earl","1" "4th Earl","1" "5th Earl","1" "6th Earl","1" "7th Earl","1" "8th Earl","1" "a house carpenter","1" "a Viking","1" "Accountant","1" "Actress","1" "Adjuster","2" "Advertising Manager","1" "Aerospace Engineer","1" "also Count of Alsace","1" "Amy Officer","1" "Appraiser","1" "Apprentice Consctruction","1" "Archbishop of Rouen","1" "Architect","1" "Artist","3" "Assist Mgr","1" "Assistant Cashier, Post Office","1" "Assistant City Planner","1" "Assistant Railroad yardsman","1" "Assistant Superintendent","1" "Assistant Supervisor","1" "Asst Assessor","1" "Asst. To Com.& Or Cadets","1" "At 'home","1" "At Box Factory","1" "At Home","55" "at School","75" "At Starch Factory","1" "Attending School","11" "Attorney at law","2" "Baker","1" "Bank Teller","1" "became a nun","1" "Blacksmith","12" "Boarder","1" "Boarding","1" "Boartder","1" "Boilermaker","2" "Book binder","1" "Book Keeper","3" "Bookeeper","2" "Bookkeeper","5" "Bookkeeper, Accountant","1" "Border, Farmer","1" "Brakeman","2" "Brick maker","2" "Butcher","7" "Cabinet Maker","3" "Captain","1" "Captain & farmer","1" "Captain; Deacon","1" "Carpenter","16" "carpenter, mill man","1" "Carpenter, Prop. Builder","1" "Carpenter, Retired","2" "Cashier","2" "Cement Finisher","2" "Cement Worker","1" "CEO","1" "Chauffer","1" "Chemist","1" "City Editor","1" "CIty Salesman","1" "Civil Engineer","3" "Claim Adjuster","1" "Clergy","1" "Clergyman","2" "Clerical","1" "Clerical Clerk","1" "Clerk","20" "Clerk (Importer?)","1" "Clerk at the General Merchandise Store","1" "Clerk in Postoffice","1" "Clerk in Store","2" "Clerk in Yardmasters office","1" "Clerk RR Office","1" "Clerk, Joseph W. Blabon","1" "Clerk, P. O.","1" "Clerk, Post Office","4" "clerk, then merchant","1" "coach; recreation dir.","1" "Coal Miner","1" "Collection Agent","1" "College Student","1" "Com Traveler","1" "Commendant, West Point Military Academy","1" "Commercial Engineer","1" "Conductor","3" "Conductor, Railroad","1" "Construction Engineer","1" "Contractor","1" "Cook","3" "cook on yachts, etc.","1" "Cooper","3" "Cooper (Barrel Maker)","1" "Coremaking","1" "Count de Vermandois","1" "Count of Anjou","1" "Count of Montdidier","1" "Countess of Chalons","1" "Countess of Pembroke","1" "Cousin of the King","1" "Crusader","1" "Ct. of Flanders","1" "dau. of Canville de Caux","1" "Day Laborer","4" "Day Work","1" "Delta Airlines mechanic","1" "Demonstrator","1" "Dept. Manager","1" "dispenser, drinks","1" "Domestic","4" "Draftsman","4" "Draftsman for Telephone Company","2" "Drayman","1" "Dress Maker","2" "Driver","2" "Druggist","2" "Drugist","1" "Dry Goods Clerk","2" "Duke of Bavaria","1" "Duke of Lower Lorraine","1" "Duke of Normandy","1" "Duke, then King","1" "Earl Clare of Tunbridge","1" "Earl of Carrick","1" "Earl of Chester","1" "Earl of Gloucester","1" "Earl of Hereford","1" "Earl of Hertford","2" "Earl of Leicester","1" "Earl of More","2" "Earl of Pembroke","1" "Earl of Surrey","2" "Earl of Throndheim","1" "Editor","3" "educator","2" "Electrical Engineer","2" "Electrician","1" "Engineer","4" "Engineering Officer","1" "Fancy Goods","1" "Farm","2" "farm hand","1" "Farm Labor","10" "Farm Laborer","15" "Farmer","143" "Farmer (Stock & Fruit)","5" "Farmer and Carpenter","1" "Farmer and Gardner","1" "farmer and tanner","1" "Farmer, Empl","1" "Farmer, High School Band Director","1" "Farmer, Owner / Ranch-Boss","3" "Farming","8" "Farming and Carpenter","1" "Field Assistant","1" "fish hatchery worker","1" "fisherman","1" "fisherman, master mariner","1" "Flagman","1" "Flagman, RRO","1" "Flight Attendant","1" "Foreman","2" "Foreman for Southern Pacific Railroad","1" "Founder, LDS Church","1" "Freight Clerk","1" "Fur trader and Real Estate","1" "Garbage Service Contractor","1" "Gardener","1" "Gas Fitter","1" "Gas Station Worker","1" "General Delivery Clerk, P. O.","1" "General Merchandise","1" "General of Royal Forces","1" "Glazier","2" "Going to School","4" "Government","1" "Grocer","5" "Grocery Store","1" "Hampshire County MA Judge of Probate (1834 - 1858)","2" "Harness Maker","2" "Hatter","4" "heavy equipment operator","1" "heiress of Meulan","1" "Heiress of Scone","1" "High School Athletic Instructor","1" "Historian for Joseph Smith, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints","1" "Home","5" "homemaker","5" "Horse Dealer","1" "Hotel Keeper","3" "House","1" "House Carpenter","2" "House Keeper","2" "House Painter","1" "House Wife Duties","1" "House work","1" "House-Wright (Carpenter)","1" "Housekeeper","3" "Housekeeping","3" "Housewife","5" "Housework","5" "Inspector","1" "Installer (Phone Company)","1" "Insurance","3" "Insurance Clerk","1" "Insurance salesman","1" "Keep House","1" "Keeping Borders","2" "Keeping House","97" "Keeps House","1" "King of Leinster, Ireland","1" "Knight; 6th Earl of Mar","1" "L.A. County Sherrif","1" "Labor","2" "Laborer","20" "Laboror","1" "Law Student","1" "Lawyer","3" "Lawyer (C.B. & M)","4" "le Debonaire","1" "Leader of the 1st Crusade","1" "Leophy Plate Painter","2" "Licensed Electrical Engineer in State of Illinois","1" "Lord High Stewart","1" "Lord of Annandale","1" "Lumber","1" "Lumber Dealer","1" "Lumber Merchant","2" "Lunch Counter","1" "Machine Operator","1" "Machinist","5" "Machinist, Illinois Pacific Gas Co","1" "Maid","2" "Mail Carrier","1" "Major, US Army","2" "Manager","4" "Manager Rigby Hardware and Mercantile Co.","1" "Manufacturer","2" "marine engineer","1" "Mason","2" "Master Blacksmith","2" "master shipbuilder","1" "Mechanic","1" "Mechanical Engineer, EH Edwards Wire and Rope Co.","2" "Medical Doctor","2" "Medical Student","1" "Merchant","6" "Messenger","1" "Methodist Preacher","2" "Mill Man","1" "Milliner","2" "Miner","3" "Mining Engineer","1" "Minister of the Gospel","1" "Minor","2" "Mokesin Shoe Factory","1" "Moulder","2" "Mrechant","1" "Music Instructor","2" "Musical Instrument Salesman","1" "Musician","6" "Musician (Cellist)","1" "Musician, organise, singer (bass)","1" "New Worker","1" "None","247" "Not Employed","1" "Office work","1" "Oil","1" "Operator","8" "Oregon State Senator","1" "Overseer","1" "Owner","1" "Painter","4" "Partner, Rob't Winthrop","1" "Peddler","1" "Perveyor of Cadets","1" "Pharmacist","2" "Physician","3" "Piano Forte Maker","1" "Planter","2" "Policeman","1" "Post Office Clerk","1" "Postmaster","3" "Pottery Maker","1" "Poultry Farming","1" "Practitionerr","1" "President","1" "Printer","5" "Professional Baseball Player, San Francisco Seals (Pitcher)","1" "Professor","1" "Prop. of Tea Store","1" "Propprietor","1" "Proprietor","3" "proprietor in the greeting card business","1" "Public School Teacher","1" "Purchasing Agent","1" "Queen of Norway","1" "R R Agent","1" "R R Breakman","1" "r. Hingham & Scituate","1" "Railroad Employee","1" "Ran a restaurant prior to marrying Elmer","1" "Rancher","1" "Real Estate","2" "Realestate saleswoman","1" "Remodeling Contractor","1" "Retailer of Fancy Goods","1" "Retired","2" "Retired Farmer","1" "Retired Merch and Tailor","1" "Road Construction","1" "Sales Manager","1" "Sales Manager, Oil Industry","1" "Sales person, Auto Parts","1" "Salesman","11" "Saleswoman","1" "Saw Mill Clerk","1" "School","2" "School (7)","2" "School Teacher","8" "School Teacher (Music), Church Organist","1" "School Teacher (Truant Officer)","1" "School Teacher, Tailor, and planter.","1" "sea captain","5" "sea captain & farmer","1" "sea captain and fisherman","1" "seaman","3" "secretary and homemaker","1" "Section Boss","3" "Seigneur","1" "Selling in Music Store","1" "Selling, Managing Music Store","2" "Servant","14" "Sheriff of Shropshire","1" "ship carpenter, farmer","1" "Shoe Maker","1" "Software Engineer","1" "son of Gervase","1" "Stage driver","1" "Stenographer","8" "Stenographer, Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh Railway","1" "Storekeeper","2" "Street Superintendent","1" "Student","3" "Student, UC Berkeley","1" "Super","1" "Superintendent","1" "Supply Man, Pan and Santa Fe RR Co.","2" "Sutton Railway office","1" "Switch Liesarte","1" "Switchman","1" "Syrup Maker","1" "Tailor","6" "Teacher","18" "Teacher (Public School)","1" "Teamster","3" "telephone business, Pacific Bell","1" "Telephone Installer","1" "Telephone Office","1" "Telephone Operator","1" "Telephone Switchboard Operator","3" "Test Board Man","1" "Timekeeper","1" "Trained Nurse","1" "Trapper","1" "Truck Driver","6" "Unemployed","1" "Upolsterer","1" "US Army Utilities, Fort Ord","1" "Vice President of the Pennsylvania Railroad.","1" "Vicomte and Count","1" "Viscount","1" "Visiting","1" "Waitress","1" "Watchman","1" "Weaver","1" "Welder","1" "Wh Hat and Cap Dealer","1" "Widow","2" "Wife","3" "Wood-worker","1" "Woodsawer","1" "Wool Merchant","1" "Works in Cardboard Manufacturing","1" "Works in Iron Works","1" "Works in Starch Factory","1" "Works on Farm","9" "Writer","1" "X","1" "Yankee Woolens","1"