Report: individuals: events: occupations without names (including frequency)

         Description: Personen, beroepen zonder de naam van de persoon maar met de frequentie, geordend naar het beroep

Matches 101 to 150 of 403  » Comma-delimited CSV file

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# Occupation total
101 Construction Engineer 
102 Contractor 
103 Cook 
104 cook on yachts, etc. 
105 Cooper 
106 Cooper (Barrel Maker) 
107 Coremaking 
108 Count de Vermandois 
109 Count of Anjou 
110 Count of Montdidier 
111 Countess of Chalons 
112 Countess of Pembroke 
113 Cousin of the King 
114 Crusader 
115 Ct. of Flanders 
116 dau. of Canville de Caux 
117 Day Laborer 
118 Day Work 
119 Delta Airlines mechanic 
120 Demonstrator 
121 Dept. Manager 
122 dispenser, drinks 
123 Domestic 
124 Draftsman 
125 Draftsman for Telephone Company 
126 Drayman 
127 Dress Maker 
128 Driver 
129 Druggist 
130 Drugist 
131 Dry Goods Clerk 
132 Duke of Bavaria 
133 Duke of Lower Lorraine 
134 Duke of Normandy 
135 Duke, then King 
136 Earl Clare of Tunbridge 
137 Earl of Carrick 
138 Earl of Chester 
139 Earl of Gloucester 
140 Earl of Hereford 
141 Earl of Hertford 
142 Earl of Leicester 
143 Earl of More 
144 Earl of Pembroke 
145 Earl of Surrey 
146 Earl of Throndheim 
147 Editor 
148 educator 
149 Electrical Engineer 
150 Electrician 

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