Report: individuals: events: occupations without names (including frequency)

         Description: Personen, beroepen zonder de naam van de persoon maar met de frequentie, geordend naar het beroep

Matches 151 to 200 of 403  » Comma-delimited CSV file

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# Occupation total
151 Engineer 
152 Engineering Officer 
153 Fancy Goods 
154 Farm 
155 farm hand 
156 Farm Labor  10 
157 Farm Laborer  15 
158 Farmer  143 
159 Farmer (Stock & Fruit) 
160 Farmer and Carpenter 
161 Farmer and Gardner 
162 farmer and tanner 
163 Farmer, Empl 
164 Farmer, High School Band Director 
165 Farmer, Owner / Ranch-Boss 
166 Farming 
167 Farming and Carpenter 
168 Field Assistant 
169 fish hatchery worker 
170 fisherman 
171 fisherman, master mariner 
172 Flagman 
173 Flagman, RRO 
174 Flight Attendant 
175 Foreman 
176 Foreman for Southern Pacific Railroad 
177 Founder, LDS Church 
178 Freight Clerk 
179 Fur trader and Real Estate 
180 Garbage Service Contractor 
181 Gardener 
182 Gas Fitter 
183 Gas Station Worker 
184 General Delivery Clerk, P. O. 
185 General Merchandise 
186 General of Royal Forces 
187 Glazier 
188 Going to School 
189 Government 
190 Grocer 
191 Grocery Store 
192 Hampshire County MA Judge of Probate (1834 - 1858) 
193 Harness Maker 
194 Hatter 
195 heavy equipment operator 
196 heiress of Meulan 
197 Heiress of Scone 
198 High School Athletic Instructor 
199 Historian for Joseph Smith, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints 
200 Home 

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