Report: individuals: events: occupations without names (including frequency)
Description: Personen, beroepen zonder de naam van de persoon maar met de frequentie, geordend naar het beroep
Matches 151 to 200 of 403 » Comma-delimited CSV file
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# | Occupation | total |
151 | Engineer | 4 |
152 | Engineering Officer | 1 |
153 | Fancy Goods | 1 |
154 | Farm | 2 |
155 | farm hand | 1 |
156 | Farm Labor | 10 |
157 | Farm Laborer | 15 |
158 | Farmer | 143 |
159 | Farmer (Stock & Fruit) | 5 |
160 | Farmer and Carpenter | 1 |
161 | Farmer and Gardner | 1 |
162 | farmer and tanner | 1 |
163 | Farmer, Empl | 1 |
164 | Farmer, High School Band Director | 1 |
165 | Farmer, Owner / Ranch-Boss | 3 |
166 | Farming | 8 |
167 | Farming and Carpenter | 1 |
168 | Field Assistant | 1 |
169 | fish hatchery worker | 1 |
170 | fisherman | 1 |
171 | fisherman, master mariner | 1 |
172 | Flagman | 1 |
173 | Flagman, RRO | 1 |
174 | Flight Attendant | 1 |
175 | Foreman | 2 |
176 | Foreman for Southern Pacific Railroad | 1 |
177 | Founder, LDS Church | 1 |
178 | Freight Clerk | 1 |
179 | Fur trader and Real Estate | 1 |
180 | Garbage Service Contractor | 1 |
181 | Gardener | 1 |
182 | Gas Fitter | 1 |
183 | Gas Station Worker | 1 |
184 | General Delivery Clerk, P. O. | 1 |
185 | General Merchandise | 1 |
186 | General of Royal Forces | 1 |
187 | Glazier | 2 |
188 | Going to School | 4 |
189 | Government | 1 |
190 | Grocer | 5 |
191 | Grocery Store | 1 |
192 | Hampshire County MA Judge of Probate (1834 - 1858) | 2 |
193 | Harness Maker | 2 |
194 | Hatter | 4 |
195 | heavy equipment operator | 1 |
196 | heiress of Meulan | 1 |
197 | Heiress of Scone | 1 |
198 | High School Athletic Instructor | 1 |
199 | Historian for Joseph Smith, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints | 1 |
200 | Home | 5 |
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