Report: individuals: events: occupations without names (including frequency)

         Description: Personen, beroepen zonder de naam van de persoon maar met de frequentie, geordend naar het beroep

Matches 251 to 300 of 403  » Comma-delimited CSV file

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# Occupation total
251 Manufacturer 
252 marine engineer 
253 Mason 
254 Master Blacksmith 
255 master shipbuilder 
256 Mechanic 
257 Mechanical Engineer, EH Edwards Wire and Rope Co. 
258 Medical Doctor 
259 Medical Student 
260 Merchant 
261 Messenger 
262 Methodist Preacher 
263 Mill Man 
264 Milliner 
265 Miner 
266 Mining Engineer 
267 Minister of the Gospel 
268 Minor 
269 Mokesin Shoe Factory 
270 Moulder 
271 Mrechant 
272 Music Instructor 
273 Musical Instrument Salesman 
274 Musician 
275 Musician (Cellist) 
276 Musician, organise, singer (bass) 
277 New Worker 
278 None  247 
279 Not Employed 
280 Office work 
281 Oil 
282 Operator 
283 Oregon State Senator 
284 Overseer 
285 Owner 
286 Painter 
287 Partner, Rob't Winthrop 
288 Peddler 
289 Perveyor of Cadets 
290 Pharmacist 
291 Physician 
292 Piano Forte Maker 
293 Planter 
294 Policeman 
295 Post Office Clerk 
296 Postmaster 
297 Pottery Maker 
298 Poultry Farming 
299 Practitionerr 
300 President 

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