Speidel, Max Joseph, 1860, Census, USA, Black Rock, Erie, New York, USA
Title Speidel, Max Joseph, 1860, Census, USA, Black Rock, Erie, New York, USA Publisher Roll: M653_749; Page: 130; Image: 130; Family History Library Film: 803749 Source ID S200 Text Name,Age,Sex,Color,Occupation,Real estate value,Personal estate value,Birthplace,Married this year,Attended school this year,Can't read & write,Disability
Max Joseph Speidel,41,M,,Master Blacksmith,1000,500,Alsaise, Germany,,,,
Katherine Speidel,37,F,,,,,France,,,,
Mary Speidel,12,F,,,,,Buffalo, NY,,,,
Joesph Frances Speidel,11,M,,,,,Buffalo New Nork,,Y,,
Catherine Speidel,8,F,,,,,New York,,Y,,
John C. Speidel,10,M,,,,,New York,,Y,,
Helen Speidel,6,F,,,,,New York,,Y,,
Barbara Speidel,4,F,,,,,New York,,,,
Alour Speidel,3,M,,,,,New York,,,,
Magdalena Lenie Speidel,1,F,,,,,New York,,,,
Casper Gabner,23,M,,Blacksmith,,,Saxony,,,,Linked to
Individuals: 11Gabner, Casper
Heintz, Katherine
Speidel, Alour J
Speidel, Barbara
Speidel, Catherine
Speidel, Helen
Speidel, Joesph Frances
Speidel, John C.
Speidel, Magdalena Lenie
Speidel, Mary
Speidel, Max Joseph
Census Speidel, Max Joseph, 1860, Census, USA, Black Rock, Erie, New York, USA
Media Date: 14 JUN 1860
Keywords: US CensusSpeidel, Max Joseph, 1860, Census, USA, Black Rock, Erie, New York, USA
Media Date: 14 JUN 1860
Keywords: US Census
Notes - Magdalena is listed as Lacie. TIck marks in "can't read or write" column for Joe Jr., Catherine, Helen, and John.
Source Type: Census
- Magdalena is listed as Lacie. TIck marks in "can't read or write" column for Joe Jr., Catherine, Helen, and John.