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- Written by: Ed
I thought I'd try to create a PSA for this election on Judges
In general, there doesn't seem to be much readily accessible available information on judges. I tried Wikipedia, but that's only useful for a couple of justices. I'm certainly not qualified to read an opinion and use that to make heads or tails of that persons jurisprudence. That said, because it's on the ballot, that makes it a political choice. I thought this would be easier to provide some detail and background,

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- Written by: Ed
Looking through a box, for some old pictures, I stumbled upon this program for Lil Abner. The production was lots of fun and featured Rod Gilfry as Li'l Abner, Sally Girvin (Sara Caviar) as Daisy Mae, Arthur Cain as Marryin' Sam, Harold Sloane as General Bullmoose, Julie Waldman as Mammy Yokum, Steve Gassner as Pappy Yokum, David Zenger as Evil Eye Flragle, Pattie O'Toole as Appassionata Von Climax, and myself as Earthquake McGoon and many others. Hope you enjoy the memento.
I've made this available in two forms -- PDF if you want to read it like a book -- or as a zip file with all the images as jpgs.
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- Written by: Ed
Claremont High School, Vocal Music Department Albums 1974 - 1978
All the Vocal Music albums, from 1974 through 1978 are available from here. click the record album you want to hear ...

The holiday albums were typically produced as fun-raising projects. The spring albums were just for the performers (though anyone could purchase one).